The Root of the Meltdown – Mom :(

It’s hard to acknowledge that you were the reason for a meltdown. Not in the way you probably imagine. Our son is always asking us to make a plan, repeat the plan, reconfirm the plan — over and over.  After he came home from a fun day with Pop Pop yesterday, he jumped right in ...

No, we won’t stay home

A few days ago a friend shared a video they took of an unsuspecting family having dinner in a restaurant.  To paraphrase the post, the scene made her sad and quite distracted from her own meal because the two boys were watching their iPads the entire meal, had very poor table manners (specifically with their ...

No pressure, Mom

No pressure, Mom
I took Eric to the doctor this past week.  It was just a regular 6 month check up.  This was the first time we were visiting the office in their new location.  So in usual Eric style, he had to run through the whole place and peek in every single room.   This is also ...

Diagnosis Day: A Reflection

Diagnosis Day:  A Reflection
I can remember it like it was yesterday.  I already knew what the outcome would be- but I clung onto hope. Two weeks prior, Eric had been sent for a speech evaluation and after some testing, they recommended a hearing test.   It’s an odd feeling, when your son fails a hearing test and you ...

Wish He Could Tell Me Why

Wish He Could Tell Me Why
Every morning for several weeks now the first thing Eric says when he comes downstairs is “No school?” In one way it kind of makes me happy – since I think every teenager feels that way when they wake up. In another way, it makes me sad and worried. Why doesn’t he want to go ...

Hope. Pass it on…

Hope.  Pass it on…
Today is 12 years since our son was diagnosed with autism. 12 years…… Basically, I pretty much can’t remember life before. It has consumed so much of my life and led me on an unexpected journey. I found an email that I had sent to a friend just a few days after he was diagnosed: ...

IEP Meetings: The Important Stuff

Last week we had an IEP meeting at Eric’s new school. After graduating from middle school in June, we had searched and searched and searched until we found the school that felt right for him. I was further convinced about our decision when, during the meeting, the staff started reading me their comments they completed ...