The Monster

He’s hideous.  He has bad breath and yellow fangs.  He has a rotten stench and the diabolic power of reaching into your soul and squeezing your spirit until it physically hurts.  He’s doesn’t play fair.  He’s sly and sneaky and jumps up to snatch you at your most vulnerable moments.  His name?  “Comparison”.

My Advice for the Autism Wife

1.  We are supposed to fix things.  Yes, it’s irrational.  But the road to accepting there are things we can’t fix is long and ugly and sometime endless. 2.  The sweetest words ever spoken to me by my wife:  “You are an amazing Dad.” 3.  The most painful words ever spoken to me: “It must ...

The Butterfly

The Butterfly
We were at the beach.  My wife and I were standing ankle-deep in the water watching Eric having a ball swimming and jumping over the waves.  A group of three other kids ran up and started playing, splashing and chasing each other in the water.  Eric gave them a passing glance and went about his ...

Open Letter to an Idol

Dear Sir, I’m not one to write to celebrities, but I think it’s time I reached out to you.  Conventional wisdom says I should be sick of you… resent you.  You are able to reach my son in ways that sometimes escape me.  But I don’t resent you (any more) and I am not sick ...

What Treatments Have You Tried?

The most common questions I get asked about my son revolve around the treatments and therapies we have tried and my opinions about their success or merits. The honest answer is “too many to count,” and “I have no frigging idea what has worked and what hasn’t.”  Does that surprise you?  It shouldn’t.  Here is ...

Lessons Aren’t Always Obvious

So, I didn’t get to complete the full 100 mile ride today. Since this is about teaching my son lessons, I thought I’d pass this one on: Lessons aren’t always obvious, kid. You start out the day with the intention of riding a long long way to prove that anything is possible. Then you are ...

My Advice For The Autism Husband

1.  Admit to her that you’re afraid.  You don’t have to pretend to be Superman.  She ain’t buying the act anyway. 2.  But be strong for her.  3.  It’s OK to get angry and frustrated.  But don’t take it out on her.  4.  You don’t need to have all the answers.  Sometimes she just wants ...

Just Chill Out

Just Chill Out
Right now, somewhere out there a Mom or Dad is desperately trying to redirect their ASD child from a burdensome fixation or obsession.  They may be at their rope’s end trying to curb that obsession and break through to that mystical, elusive land of “typical play” or “age-appropriate interests”. I want to share a story.  ...

Inept and Inadequate

So I’ve been doing this blogging thing for a couple years now.  I am so appreciative to everyone who has taken the time to read my stuff.  And it has been humbling to hear that the things I have written  have helped a few people.  My proudest moments are when I am told that I ...