The Massacre

Now that I have properly communicated the importance of The Count and Cookie Monster in Eric’s life (“How The Count Taught Me To Be a Better Dad”), you have the context to fully appreciate this dark day in our family’s history…

We call it:   
“The Massacre”  
(cue over-the-top horror movie music)

This is what happens when an 80 lb. German Shepherd is left alone in the back yard with a purple counting vampire and a pudgy blue cookie addict.  Yeah, not a great day in the ol’ Turning household.

Warning!!  Graphic Images!!!

6 thoughts on “The Massacre”

  • 1
    Eric's mom on March 4, 2012

    and thankfully this house had spares in the attic! A tragic day indeed ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • 2
    The Gift of Autism on March 4, 2012

    Oh my! Did Eric see the "guys'" guts. How did he react? This looks like something our 70 pound Golden Doodle would do if given the opportunity.

  • 3
    Eric's Dad on March 5, 2012

    No, we were able to keep him distracted inside while I cleaned up the crime scene. We have multiple back-up "guys" stashed around the house just in case. Eric did find one of the Cookie Monster's eyes a few months later in the mulch around the swing set. He pondered it for a minute, but I don't think he made the connection.

  • 4
    Sarah on March 10, 2012

    My son has stuffed animals that are his best friends. They are all Rodger, Rodgers cousin, brother etc… the official Rodger has a feel and scent that is not able to be duplicated no matter how much I wash or don't wash. We hope never to lose the current Rodger because they can't be bought anymore! We started with about 13 and now are down to about 6 officials and brothers, cousins… Glad your son didn't see the crime scene I am not sure what my son would do if he saw his beloved friend in many pieces across the backyard. I hope never to find out!

  • 5
    Crafter Dream on March 15, 2012

    Thank goodness for back ups and distractions. I can only imagine what the precious little guy would have gone through if it weren't for those two things. ๐Ÿ™

  • 6
    Crafter Dream on March 15, 2012

    oh my gosh! ๐Ÿ™

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