Rejected Blog Titles

I chose “Bacon and Juice Boxes” as the title for my blog because those items have basically dominated our lives for the past five years.  Below is a list of blog titles that were also in contention (I know this is a little inside, but believe me, my family will get a kick out of it):  

“Hi Fiiiive, Cookie!”
“Carry You Three Guys”
“Get New Underpants”

“Big Bird Ice Skating”
“Pepperoni Bread”
“Tickle My Arms, Please”
“Anna Back!”
“Play Shadow?”
“First Go Sleep,  Then Wake Up, Then Go Chuck E. Cheese…”
“Go Grandma and Pop Pop’s House”
“No Nurse!”
“No Doctor!”
“No Lay Down!”
“One Minute Bed Time!”
“No Poop!”
“Piece Gum?”
“Go Set A Me Place?”
“Pretzel Rod?”
“No Pants On!”

In hindsight, “Get New Underpants:  Our Life With Autism” is mighty catchy!  Hmmm…. maybe a spin-off?

6 thoughts on “Rejected Blog Titles”

  • 1
    Crafter Dream on February 28, 2012

    LOL thanks ๐Ÿ™‚ I needed this laugh today ๐Ÿ™‚

  • 2
    Eric's Grandma on February 28, 2012

    How about "Jump on the bed"…Love them all!

  • 3
    Michele on March 13, 2012

    Funny! I love the no pants on! How about ready …….. set …….. go! I don't know how many hours/days/weeks I spent saying that just to get the G sound out of him!

  • 4
    The Paisley Palmetto Girl on March 13, 2012

    I was led to this blog by my dog trainer today. We too are rockin' the Autism lifestyle and BACON is by far the most consumed item in this house. Our "guys" and our bacon are staples in our lives, as is Kona- our dog in training. I look forward to reading so much more ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • 5
    Anonymous on March 21, 2012

    Found your blog through Age of Autism. I'm an autism dad too – great blog. I totally get this as I'm sure many of us do. Along the same lines, our blog title might be … "The door…the door"; "Mickey toast"; "Wamamolie" (her version of guacamole); "Take a trip"; "EAT!"; "Poopie first then go to ________ (insert whatever it is she want to do next).

    Made me laugh – thanks.

  • 6
    Robert on May 1, 2012

    I think I know what the deal is with "Tickle My Arms, Please", it sort of sounds like "Tickle me, Elmo".

    I'm also an Autism dad, but have only had a few weekend visits with my kids since my youngest got officially diagnosed.

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