7 Reasons Why My Son With Autism is a Better Man Than I Am:

1) He is sincere.  If he likes you, you will know it.  If he doesn’t, that will also be clear.  If he loves you, it is unconditional. 

2) He has no ego.  He couldn’t care less how his hair looks or if his shirt makes him look too skinny. Just as long as it doesn’t impede his fun. 

3) He finds joy in the simplest things:  A paddle and ball, a balloon, those wish blossoms you blow and scatter in the wind on a spring day, a big open field where he can just run. 

4) He does not can not manipulate. 

5) When he feels the urge, he dances.  When he is inspired, he sings.  No matter who is watching and judging. 

6) He can not grasp the concept of gossip.  

7) He is loyal.  If he chooses you, you have a friend forever.  Just ask Oscar, Cookie Monster and the Count.

4 thoughts on “7 Reasons Why My Son With Autism is a Better Man Than I Am:”

  • 1
    Crafter Dream on February 2, 2012

    Love this πŸ™‚ My sweet David is like this too. πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

  • 2
    Eric's Grandma on February 2, 2012

    He is also determined – he knows what he wants and may not be able to vocalize it but he won't give up trying to show you or tell you in his own way. God, I love this child!

  • 3
    Eric's Dad on February 3, 2012

    Thanks for all your kind words, Crafter Dream!

  • 4
    Crafter Dream on February 11, 2012

    your welcome πŸ™‚ and thank-you for your blog πŸ™‚ I truly appreciate being able to follow it πŸ™‚

    –David's Mom (aka CrafterDream)

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