Searching for that spark….

Coincidentally, we are in the process of looking for new schools for both of my kids. For our daughter, because she will be graduating high school soon and heading off to college. And for our son, who will be moving into high school next year.

Honestly, I’m not sure which one is more stressful or more confusing.

Both are meant to prepare my kids to live fulfilling and independent lives…. but I couldn’t help but have my mind wander a little when visiting colleges and quickly wipe away an escaping tear when thinking how our son will most likely never get to experience living away at school.

Now don’t get me wrong – -I don’t think kids HAVE to live away at school. I’m a prime example, I was hired for a full time job before I graduated high school — and I am still at that same company almost 28 years later (shhhh…I’m not really that old); and I went to school at night to get my degrees as a commuter student…. But I remember visiting a few local colleges with my parents – – and then making a CHOICE to take the full time job instead of another 4 years of full time school…..

I guess I wish it was at least a CHOICE for our son. And while I LOVE that the schools tout their life skills programs and opportunities to work in the community…. I can’t help but feel a bit wistful…. wanting more… wanting other options….. wanting the world at his fingertips to do whatever he wants.

And in my mind….he has those options. He is not limited to the choices that society has said are “acceptable” and “meaningful” for my son. Yes he happens to have autism – but I have seen him grow and learn more every year. I have seen his determination to do something when it is interesting to him. So ultimately THAT is what I am really searching for…I am searching for a place that will unlock his full potential and light a spark and interest in something he can do for the rest of his life. I have some ideas…. and a pretty grand idea too…. time will tell if it will work out….. it’s my Plan B — in case Eric doesn’t find or tell us what his Plan A would be 

I hope we find somewhere that will love him like we do.
I hope we find somewhere that will accept him like we do.
I hope we find somewhere that will encourage him like we do.
I hope we find somewhere that will believe in him like we do.

—Mrs. B.
