“Mommy is hurt!”

“Mommy is hurt!”

It wasn’t my brightest moment or best decision.  I told Eric I was going to take the garbage out to the curb.  I opened the garage door and attempted to step down into the garage over 4 bags of garbage that were waiting to be moved.  My right foot caught on one of the bags and my whole body flung forward and down the step and onto the concrete floor.  I landed hard on my hands and knee, and rolled my right ankle really hard.  I screamed in pain for a long time.  Within seconds, Eric was at the doorway saying “Mom, Are you OK?” and I rolled over and said “I don’t know” since I was sure I broke my ankle and was afraid to put pressure on it.   I asked Eric to go get me a glass of water.  My body went into shock or an anxiety attack-or something- because I couldn’t catch my breath and immediately was drenched in sweat.  Eric brought me water and I pulled myself up to standing since I knew his bus was coming soon.  I put my head in the kitchen sink and was running water on my hands and willing myself not to pass out but I still couldn’t catch my breath and felt dizzy.  I told Eric to get my phone and call daddy for me.

And just a few seconds later I heard him saying “Mommy is hurt….mommy is hurt”…..  it made me so proud and so weepy at that same moment.  I told him to bring me the phone and he did.  And then my husband was able to help calm me down and told me to sit on floor or else I’d still feel dizzy.  It was so scary -my fingers totally curled up and I couldn’t straighten them out to hold the glass of water and the tingling started moving up my arms.   Daddy started giving Eric instructions through speaker phone to get me more water and get a wet towel or washcloth for my head.

It took about 25-30 minutes for me to feel ok enough to stand up again… and was super scary.  But the silver lining in the whole situation was seeing how empathetic and helpful my son was when I really needed him.   He showed me he is capable of so much more than I ever imagined and I was lucky he was there to help me.

—Mrs. B


#DumbMama #DontLeaveGarbageBagsThereEverAgain

PS- Mr. Bacon is definitely in the right job – he was so calm the whole time even though I was freaking out.