IEP Meetings: The Important Stuff

Last week we had an IEP meeting at Eric’s new school. After graduating from middle school in June, we had searched and searched and searched until we found the school that felt right for him.

I was further convinced about our decision when, during the meeting, the staff started reading me their comments they completed on a form titled, “IEP Meeting: The Important Stuff  ”

When my daughter and I lectured at the Autism NJ conference last month, I included this form I created with the copy of our slides. Someone from the school was in the audience, and I was both grateful and honored that the information was obviously shared back to the school. I seriously was at a loss for words for a few minutes and may have teared up (who me? cry? nahhhhh!! LOL)

As a parent, I know we have to hear all the standard data and academic and behavioral stuff at IEP’s -but since many of our kids have such limited communication, I feel it’s so important to be told about some non-academic stuff too… don’t you agree???

–Mrs B.

PS- if anyone local sees one of these forms pop up at your IEP meetings, let me know – I would be so excited to hear about that! and hopefully, as parents, you would also be grateful that the staff took the time to tell you this additional information.

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