It’s Really Not That Complicated…

It’s really not that complicated…  -I have moments of frustration, anger and self-pity. I have moments of joy, pride and celebration.  -I mourn the loss of my carefully-mapped-out life. I celebrate the inner strength and voice I have found as I navigate my new life. -I’m sad that my son can not (yet) fully communicate ...

Aren’t We All Somewhere On The Spectrum?

I was a “difficult” kid.  When I got frustrated I used to run head-first into the refrigerator.  My mom tells a famous story about asking my pediatrician about this behavior.  His sage advice? “The next time he runs into the refrigerator, make his butt hurt worse than his head.” My parents frequently had to load ...

The Day I Lost Him (The Second Time)…

The stupid credit card machine just wouldn’t read my card.  I swiped it three times, each met with an error message.  Finally, the overly chipper Disney Store clerk took the card from me and entered the numbers manually. It was part of our usual Monday afternoon routine.  We had just finished an I.V. Glutathione treatment ...

Just Keep Peddling…

The crest of the hill is approaching.  My legs are screaming.  My neck is sore and my hands have fallen numb.  I start to question myself. “You aren’t 25 any more, you idiot.”“Why do you always bite off more than you can chew?”“Does this really mean anything in the long run?”“You can quit right now and ...

My Favorite Picture…

My Favorite Picture…
My wife and I have well over five thousand pictures of our family.  This is my favorite, and it’s not even close.  This picture was captured by our friend and very talented photographer, Viki Reed at a local park near our home.  I like it because it tells the story of my family perfectly. My ...

The Massacre

Now that I have properly communicated the importance of The Count and Cookie Monster in Eric’s life (“How The Count Taught Me To Be a Better Dad”), you have the context to fully appreciate this dark day in our family’s history… We call it:    “The Massacre”   (cue over-the-top horror movie music) This is what ...

Parenting Lessons From The Count

It was not my proudest moment.  In fact, looking back, it was my first real failure as a Dad.  My four-year-old son ran frantically through the house opening every cabinet, drawer, and closet.  He was like a heroin addict in need of a fix. I had been trying so desperately to reach him.  I just ...

Rejected Blog Titles

I chose “Bacon and Juice Boxes” as the title for my blog because those items have basically dominated our lives for the past five years.  Below is a list of blog titles that were also in contention (I know this is a little inside, but believe me, my family will get a kick out of ...

Kreativ Blogger Award

The Kreativ Blogger Award Hey look, I’m an award winner!! The Rules of Acceptance are: 1. Thank the blogger who presented you with the award. I would like to thank Debbie from  for presenting me with this prestigious honor!  Here is the nice thing Debbie said about my blog:  “This is a blog I just ...

A Lucky Man

My wife’s Uncle George passed away last week.  He was a good man.  Funerals have a way of grounding us and bringing us back to the important things in our lives.  As I sat at a table in the corner of the reception hall following the service, it occurred to me that Uncle George passed ...