Tiny Victories

This may sound odd, but sometimes I feel sorry for parents of neurotypical children.  (Well, other times I hate their guts, but that is a character flaw that I am working on 😉  Let me explain… When a doctor looks into your eyes and tells you all bets are off for your child… life as ...

12 Things I Let My Son Do…

10 12 Things I let my son do that parents of typical 7 year-olds would never allow (Inspired by Autism Daddy): 1) Suck his thumb. Kids on the spectrum find ways to soothe themselves and filter out uncomfortable stimulation. This is one of Eric’s coping mechanisms. 2) Jump on the furniture. Eric is extremely sensory. ...

Accept or Attack (Revised 2-2-15)

My wife knew before I did.  Well, maybe I knew but battled denial.  Our pediatrician wasn’t a bad guy, but he was way too “let’s wait and see” for our taste.  My Dad called in a favor and got us an appointment with a specialist.  After trudging through an agonizing questionnaire, she met with us ...