“Mommy is hurt!” It wasn’t my brightest moment or best decision. I told Eric I was going to take the garbage out to the curb. I opened the garage door and attempted to step down into the garage over 4 bags of garbage that were waiting to be moved. My right foot caught on one ...
I watch as “it” transforms your personality from giggly, to emotional, to distant, to loving all in a matter of hours. It is painful to watch “it” make you flounce around your bed like a fish out of water as if you cannot get comfortable in your own skin. I’m not sure ...
I love traditions. I knew I wanted to take an annual anniversary picture with our wedding candle to capture that moment in time. I tried hard every year to get the perfect picture. I wasn’t always successful, but as I look back on these pictures they tell an amazing story. I’ve tried to describe ...
“I’m going to college”…. four words that filled my heart in so many ways….. Those are the word’s a friend’s son said when he found out he was accepted into not one but two special needs college programs. I remember it vividly when I saw her post about it on facebook — it actually ...
Today I had a “mommy and me” day with my daughter. We went to the beach. It’s my happy place. It’s even happier when she is there with me 🙂 She has had such a busy summer that I have barely seen her. (Mental note: In next life, come back as my daughter!)… We got ...
I saw this graphic shared by a friend earlier today, and found it super interesting. In many ways in our house, it seems like anxiety is an even bigger issue to deal with than autism. It affects our son in so many ways that we know of – and probably many areas that we don’t ...
I try not to push a lot of products or services. I know how annoying that can be. But, when it comes to the safety of our kids (and adults) and bridging the gap with the Law Enforcement community, I won’t be bashful sharing anything I find that might do some good. Today, I had ...
Last week kinda sucked. For many different reasons…. It was filled with so many “endings” – and I cried for 2 days straight. First was having to say goodbye to a family friend. What an unexpected, sad situation to be so alive and seemingly healthy one minute – and then have things tragically unfurl ...
They’re not as sweet as an old family heirloom. They aren’t as romantic as Daddy’s first BB gun, or Little League baseball glove. But for me, they are nostalgic. They bring me back to a simpler time in my life. I spent countless hours playing with them in my bedroom, in our basement, in the ...
Dear Anna (and all other super special needs siblings!): I’m sorry that holidays aren’t the fun and magical days that I had as a kid, and that I always imagined for you. I’m sorry we don’t decorate: I had so much fun decorating the house with my mom…But in this house – if it’s not ...